Antman vs. 1million Antmen 🐜🦸🏽‍♂️

Like Antman, are you getting in your own way?

[Warning! Spoilers ahead if you haven’t seen any man Quantumania.]

Things at that tiny of scale got weird…. Quickly!

So Antman made a deal with Kang, the villain, where, in exchange for his daughter, Ant man would dive into the multiverse energy orb to shrink it down and retrieve it.

When Ant man got down there he started to multiply. All the possibilities at that scale of the universe began to occur at the same time, even a version as him still working as a Baskin Robbins Employee was running around aimlessly.

At first, like I think we all would, Antman panics and doesn’t know what to do, or how to solve the problem.

I mean, this guys is no Spiderman or Tony Stark….

What then proceeds to occur is all of the Antmen start to run around freaking out and asking each other, ‘also paradoxically themselves’ what to do, and what’s going on.

Chaos ensues!

In the next scene he’s getting sucked into a hole made of versions of him, all scared, all unsettled, all trapped.

His fear was working against him, which purveyed throughout all of the him(s).

As he was sitting there surrounded by himself, stuck.

I was taken-a-back by how spot on this visual depiction was of how I’ve felt battling depression.

It’s an experience in life, I genuinely wish no one, would go through ever again.

I’d give up cookies AND cupcakes forever, if that meant no one from now until the end of time would experience depression again.

That’s a huuuuge sacrifice friends!

The ‘stuck’ feeling is so very dark, but the only ‘thing’ really holding you there is, actually, just yourself.

But your stuck around yourself, and you can’t seem to move.

You’re behind yourself - Your past failures, lack of accomplishments by 33 ringing in your mind over and over.

You’re stuck above and below yourself - Doubts and negative thoughts holding you down and in place. (your bed typically being bellow you most of the time)

You’re stuck in front of yourself - Your future vision and desires drifting further and further away, looking more and more like they will never happen.

Did Antman give up?

Is that where the movie ended?

Well, of course not.

He started to think about why he was down in this strange place.

But as he thought of his WHY, it all started to come together.

He was here to save his daughter at all costs!

…including his possible sanity.

How did he pull himselves together?

He found something he found something all his selves could agree upon, they all started lifting him up out of the hole working together to achieve the goal they all unanimously believed.

They then started to carry the main Ant-Man up and out of the hole!

Once out of the hole they piled themselves up to create a ladder up to the Multiversal Energy source center for him to climb.

He climbs climbs climbs…

Gets to the top, throws the device on…


It doesn’t work.


As they are all collapsing.

The Wasp (his girlfriend) fly’s in and picks him up out of the air, they shot the multiversal energy source again with 5 devices this time.

And successfully they shrink it down to size and get out just in time!

This moment was just as important, once he helped himself, someone was there to help him out just in the nick of time, when he needed it most.

I found this to be an interesting parallel to depict how when we are at our lowest, once we start to help ourselves, we often still need the help of others to accomplish our goals.

Something we should really look at doing more often, is asking for help when we need it.

At the end of the day.

…or in an other universe, we usually just fighting against ourselves, and holding ourselves back.

So be kind to yourself, forgive yourself, and I don’t know, go save you daughter from a time villain.

But no, seriously, go find a mirror and look yourself in the eyes and give yourself a compliment, or say sorry, I’ll continue to work to do better.

You’re always with yourself, so you might as well learn to enjoy the the time you have together.

Try my relationship assessment

But do it with yourself in mind, might be an interesting experiment, then track it over time to see if it improves as you work to be nicer to yourself.

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