Wise advice from a bartender at Dirty Dogs

You never know where you're going to find someone with a great belief system!

I love how I never know where I might find someone with a rock solid belief system.

A while ago I was at a fun bar here in Scottsdale AZ called Dirty Dogs. It’s a toned down version of Coyote Ugly. The girls dance on the bar.

…Which I hate because I have to worry about my drink getting kicked off the bar.

But that’s neither here nor there, that bar is fun despite that.

So the bartender came by after I order by Tequila on the rocks and asked how I was doing.

I love to ask bartenders and servers ‘how they are’ after they ask me how I’m doing, it’s surprisingly unexpected for them.

Most people just say good, or ask for something, and never consider their feelings.

I consider their feelings.

However, I was the one that got surprised this time around.

She says, “I’m always good, It’s a choice.”


[gif with mind exploding]

I agreed.

She smiled and went about her business.

Being “Good,” whatever that arbitrary word means, is indeed a choice.

Sometimes it’s a fucking difficult choice, especially when bills are due, you just lost your job, and your fiancé just broke up with you.

Yet, still a choice.

…Except for the fact that I believe in fate, and choice is actually an illusion, but that’s a newsletter for another day.

Despite that, what’s going on here, is perspective.

I love perspective.

Everything is perspective, it’s all based on how the viewer [you] perceive how you are, where you are, who you are, then whatever is in relative position to that view.

I recently decided to view myself, what I’m doing, and where I’m going in a completely different way.

I don’t care any more.

I let go of it, or I should say, I continue to let go of it. The old thought pattens are deep, and I’ll unknowingly pick some back up.

But then I just remind myself to let go of them again.

Letting go has allowed me to choose to be ‘GOOD.’

It’s improved my mood, and suppressed the depression that pops up here and there.

For example, since I was about 18-19 my goal in life was to make several billion dollars.

I was willing to sacrifice and do whatever it took to get there.

I wasn’t chasing happiness. I’d say I’m still not.

I wanted to do something great! Be known throughout history. Make a real positive impact on future generations.

I wasn’t getting there though. 33 and barley closer than I was at 23.

It’s really did a number on my mindset and mood. All the negative thoughts basically came in at once.

So I decided to let go of that goal.

And you know what?

I’m in such a better place. The world looks so much more beautiful, simple interactions and moments bring me so much joy.

I’m now on a mission just to have fun and live an enjoyable life with my friends. And help my friends achieve their goals and missions.

Fuck a billion dollars.

Fuck over working myself.

Fuck the constant stress.

I let go of all of that.

So the bartender was right, it was a choice to be ‘GOOD,’ and I was continuously not making that choice (or viewing life from that perspective)

Until I was forced to…

What can you let go of that you’ve been holding on to for years?

Have you examined you attitude towards work, or someone at work?

I create a work attitude assessment, as well as a few others that come in a bundle for only 10 dollars.

This is a useful tool to help you gauge how much you’re enjoying what you do most of you days.