I found a demon of a core belief šŸ˜ˆ

I hate myself when I'm poor

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I hate myselfā€¦

ā€¦when I'm poor.

So much of my self-worth is tied to my bank balance.

When it's low, I start to hate and, even worse, doubt myself.

The negative thoughts begin to creep in:

ā€” You still suck. You canā€™t do this, who do you think you are? Look at how pathetic you are. ā€”

No matter how much Iā€™ve earned in the past, if I'm struggling financially now, my mind turns against me.

This leads to a vicious cycle. I sink into depression, lose motivation, and become trapped in negative thought loops.

Tying self-worth to financial status isn't wise.

Yet, our society often equates being broke with being broken, unworthy, or valueless.

But that's a fallacy.

There's so much more to our value than the figures in our bank accounts.


  • How many people have you made smile today?

  • How many lives have you touched positively this year?

  • Whose day brightens simply because you're in it?

I might not focus on these questions as much as I should, but when my finances are dire, I've learned toā€¦





Releasing the grip of fear, self-judgment, and perceived external judgments liberates me.

It allows me to live in the present, where, despite financial challenges, I am safe.

No one is chasing me. Iā€™m not in a warzone. Iā€™m not in imminent mortal danger.

Iā€™m here. Breathing. Alive in the 21st century.

In a world where Amazon exists. Where advanced sanitation systems are the norm. Where I can bathe in clean water.

What do you need to release your grip on? What should you start letting go of?

Bonner private wine partnership

This is such a cool Wine company, they find exclusive wines from other counties that you could otherwise never get access to unless you lived in that country!

I really loved this snippet from the about page, ā€œMeanwhile, the wine I tasted in Argentina was made from handpicked grapesā€¦ fed with natural snowmelt water that trickles down from mountain peaks 10,000 feet highā€¦ from vines originally taken from France well over one hundred years agoā€¦ vines that donā€™t even exist in Europe anymore!ā€

I mean, I defiantly want to try that wineā€¦ I almost have to have it.

You can get your below!

Uncork Exclusive Rare Wines, Remote Vineyards Revealed!

Elevate your wine experience with grapes grown up to 9,000 ft in the Andes Mountains.Ā 

Some of the rarest, and finest: Yet most wonā€™t make it to the US. But wine lover and adventurer Will Bonner has made it his mission to import unique, small-batch wines that other importers overlook.Ā 

And heā€™s sharing them through the Bonner Private Wine Partnership, where you'll get these exclusive wines delivered right to your door.Ā