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- Would you eat spaghetti people?
Would you eat spaghetti people?
Are you sure you want to know?
[Spoiler ahead] Go watch rick and Morty season 7 episode 4
Morty’s family loved Spaghetti Thursdays.

Rick provided the best Spaghetti they had all ever eaten.
The only problem was where Rick was sourcing the Spaghetti from.
Sometimes it’s just better not to know.
Because when you find out what it’s actually made of, or the truth behind what you were unaware of, no matter how good it may be, you’ll feel guilty and shameful consuming it.
In the case of Morty, he follows Rick into the garage where he finds Rick scooping Spaghetti out of what looks like a mans body.
Having been through many adventures with Rick, Morty immediately pieces together what’s going on.
Rick says, “this is why I didn’t tell you where I go it.”
Rick has no problem with what he’s doing. He knows how arbitrary everything is in the universe.
The infinite possibilities all occurring simultaneously.
Morty on the other hand, till tries to be a “good” person.
Instinctively, Morty wants to make right on what he’s done. He struggles with the fact that they have been eating a being from another planet that who’s remains turn into delicious spaghetti if, due to the high levels of cortisol that got released into their blood stream, after person committed suicide.
The deliciousness of the Spaghetti wages a difficult war that Morty has to battle with in his mind.
Morty is soon offered the opportunity to have the savory Spaghetti be “ethical,” meaning, that due the person being terminally ill, they consented to being eaten and committing ****suicide.
Morty, still hesitant, this made him feel more okay to eating the people Spaghetti.
When something is just too good, it’s almost impossible to resist eating it or having it, even though you know it’s a bad for you, or the environment, or the eco system.
For example:
Staying in a toxic relationship
People who kill themselves and turn into the most delicious spaghetti ever.
What the show creators, I think, are trying to contrast in the episode, is veganism or really, eating animals.
If we really look at it. Ricks family are not cannibals. They are eating a completely different species, we would be less genetically related to the Spaghetti people that we are to cows.
Yet, the species conscious behavior, their ‘knowingness’ causes us to feel empathy, for them, and disgust towards ourselves for wanting to eat something that is aware of pain.
Mainly because we can see that being us.
Unless you’re Rick of course, who is also a narcissist that lacks empathy.
Yet, similarly to cow, people empathize with animals, they see the cruelty, and even though they may have grown up loving meat, ribs could have been their favorite food.
However, their self-implied moral code is strong, and it’s immensely respectable how willing they are to make the sacrifice of not eating other animals for their morals!
If you look at it, plant are just as “alive” as a cow, but vegans are okay with eating plants. Same with insects, waayyy more insects get killed when you farm plants than cows will ever be born probably.
Yet, we don’t relate to them las much, so it’s easier to not care about their death.
A death, non-the-less.
Sadly, however, even though Morty tried to do “the right thing,” as usual, it blew up in his face.
The society started marketing their amazing Spaghetti to other planets and made their people basically cattle, selling their entire society off to every planet in exchange for profit and ‘success’.
Morty’s wanting it both ways, didn’t work, and his good intentions caused a catastrophe, yet again.
Sometimes, it’s better to not know.
Kind of like how I really wish I didn’t know that the Kobalt in the battery that this computer is running on was mined with child slaves.
Yeah, sorry, now you know.
Once I learned that, I took more of a Ricks view to the world. There’s not much I can do to fix all of it, I have to use the computer, if I had to protest batteries, I’d have to protest everything.
Then all my time is spent protesting, and I’d have to give up pretty much every item in my life.
There’s some information, it’s just better not to know.
Try my relationship assessment
But do it with yourself in mind, might be an interesting experiment, then track it over time to see if it improves as you work to be nicer to yourself.